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Cylindrical Grinding Wheels

 The BL quality Aluminium Oxide BLUE has been especially adapted to ameliorate the performace of the grinding wheels on shaft in a small diameter which rarely turn at a sufficient speed.

The grinding wheels presented hereunder are manufactured with a VITRIFIED BINDER to use between 35 and 50 m/sec., so Ø25 mm = 25.000 rpm = 35 m/sec.

EXCEPT for the grinding wheels L02/237, L02/262 and L02/275 with a BAKELITE binder to use at 45 m/sec., so Ø 40 mm at 22.000 rpm.

The grinding wheels L02/068, L02/112 and L02/172 have a total length of 100 mm.

Cylindrical grinding wheels on shaft

Article Nb. Ø x length (mm) Ø shaft (mm) Colour Grid Min. Qty  
L02/005 2,5 x 5 6 Blue 100 25
L02/010 3 x 5 6 Blue 80 25
L02/015 3 x 6 3 Blue 80 25
L02/020 3 x 8 6 Blue 80 25
L02/024 4 x 10 3 Ruby 60 25
L02/025 4 x 10 3 White 100 25
L02/030 5 x 10 3 Blue 80 25
L02/035 6 x 10 6 White 80 25
L02/036 6 x 10 3 Ruby 60 25
L02/040 6 x 10 3 Grey 60 25
L02/045 6 x 15 3 White 80 25
L02/050 6 x 20 6 Blue 80 25
L02/055 8 x 10 3 White 80 25
L02/060 8 x 10 6 Blue 80 25
L02/064 8 x 13 3 Ruby 60 25
L02/065 8 x 15 6 Blue 80 25
L02/068 8 x 20 6 Pink/white 80 10
L02/070 8 x 20 6 Blue 80 25
L02/075 8 x 20 6 White 60 25
L02/080 10 x 10 6 White 60 25
L02/081 10 x 10 3 Ruby 60 25
L02/085 10 x 12 6 White 100 25
L02/090 10 x 12 3 White 60 25
L02/095 10 x 20 6 Blue 80 25
L02/100 10 x 20 6 White 60 25
L02/105 10 x 30 6 Blue 60 25
L02/110 12 x 6 6 Blue 80 25
L02/112 12 x 12 6 Pink/white 80 10
L02/115 12 x 12 3 Pink 46 25
L02/120 13 x 13 6 Blue 60 25
L02/125 12 x 12 6 Ruby 60 25
L02/130 12 x 20 3 Pink 46 25
L02/135 12 x 20 6 Pink 46 25
L02/140 12 x 20 6 Pink 80 25
L02/141 12 x 20 6 Black 46 25
L02/145 15 x 10 6 White 60 25
L02/146 15 x 20 6 Ruby 60 25
L02/150 15 x 20 6 White 46 25
L02/155 15 x 25 6 Pink 46 25
L02/160 15 x 30 6 Pink 46 25
L02/165 15 x 40 6 Pink 46 25
L02/170 16 x 10 6 White 80 25
L02/172 16 x 20 6 Pink/white 80 25
L02/175 16 x 25 6 Grey 60 25
L02/185 20 x 8 6 Ruby 60 25
L02/188 20 x 10 6 Brown 36 25
L02/190 20 x 10 6 Pink 46 25
L02/195 20 x 20 6 Pink 46 25
L02/196 20 x 20 6 Ruby 60 25
L02/199B 20 x 25 6 Brown 36 25
L02/200 20 x 25 6 Pink 46 25
L02/201 20 x 25 6 Pink/white 60 10
L02/205 20 x 25 6 White 46 25
L02/206 20 x 25 6 Black 46 25
L02/210 20 x 50 6 Pink 46 25
L02/231 25 x 5 6 Ruby 46 25
L02/215 25 x 6 6 Pink 60 25
L02/220 25 x 10 6 White 60 25
L02/225 25 x 25 6 Pink 46 25
L02/230 25 x 25 6 White 46 25
L02/232 25 x 25 6 Ruby 46 25
L02/235 25 x 40 6 Pink 46 25
L02/237 25 x 40 6 Brown 36 25
L02/240 30 x 20 6 Pink 36 25
L02/241 30 x 20 6 Pink/white 60 10
L02/242 30 x 20 6 Ruby 60 25
L02/245 30 x 30 6 White 46 25
L02/246 30 x 30 6 Pink 46 25
L02/247 30 x 30 6 Black 36 25
L02/255 30 x 30 8 White 46 25
L02/260 40 x 10 6 Pink 46 25
L02/262 40 x 13 6 Brown 36 25
L02/265 40 x 15 6 Pink 46 25
L02/268 40 x 25 6 Pink/white 60 25
L02/270 40 x 25 6 Pink 36 25
L02/275 50 x 20 8 Brown 30 25
L02/280 60 x 20 8 Pink 36 25