Specialist in abrasives in the Liège region

Polishing > Blocks & sticks

Abrasive sticks

Our manual stick will satisfy the most demanding users.

For light manual sanding of small surfaces, angles, sides, interior radii,...

Manual stick to be equipped with abrasive belts.
The user will change the place of the belt to renew the sanding surface of the stick.

An economical but practical tool, which each user must have in his toolbox.

Abrasive sticks

Article Nb. Breadth (mm) Length (mm) Min. Qty  
E06/006 6 6 150 1
E06/033 13 13 200 1
E06/061 19 19 250 1
E06/072 50 50 250 1

Abrasive belts for sticks

Article Nb. Stick n° Grid Min. Qty  
E06/007 6 60a 25
E06/008 6 80a 25
E06/010 6 120a 25
E06/014 6 240a 25
E06/036 13 60a 25
E06/038 13 80a 25
E06/040 13 120a 25
E06/044 13 240a 25
E06/064 19 60a 25
E06/065 19 80a 25
E06/066 19 120a 25
E06/069 19 240a 25
E06/074 50 60a 25
E06/076 50 80a 25
E06/078 50 120a 25
E06/081 50 240a 25